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The CESAB MAK 400 450 500 AC Technology for heavy duty is a range of electric trucks with ergonomic solutions, advanced technology and top level performance. They are designed for demanding lifting duties in heavy applications. The range comprises models from 4000 to 4900 Kg and lifting capacity up to 6120 mm. Extreme simplicity of operation, which can be translated into increased safety and higher performance. Strength of components. Heavy duty frame and axles are manufactured to withstand the most demanding applications. The driver’s module is fully suspended on silent blocks to minimize vibrations and maximize the operator’s comfort. The comfortable adjustable full suspension seat is equipped with inertia safety belt as standard. A wide storage tray for documentation is within easy reach of the operator. Large front and rear wheels, cushion, superelastic and pneumatic, guarantee comfort, long life, greater adaptability to the road surface, and extremely easy handling of the truck. AC Technology means exceptional performance levels, combined with reduced energy consumption and lower ser vice and maintenance requirements, due to fewer components and to the absence of major wear items such as carbon brushes and traditional contactors. The electronic control, located in a dust-proof housing guarantees a great flexibility in use. Possibility to adjust the parameters of the various function such as electronic braking, drive and lift acceleration, minimum acceleration.